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LCRK Xmas Party & Presentations
We had a great turn-out of 64 people for the LCRK Christmas party and Awards night at the Diddy last Wednesday 18 December, and the laughter and conversations continued well after the formalities had finished. Tom Holloway took some cracking photos - see link above.
The club had a great year, with competitive successes on the water, as well as a continued strong social cohesion, focused around squads, time trials, 2x2 relays, marathon series and road trips. In 2025, we're trialling the hire of a bus to encourage more to join in the road trips, and to make them socially memorable trips. We've also committed to another 3 years of hosting the Myall Classic, which was such a highlight of 2024. And we will put our support behind a continuation of the Hawkesbury Classic. 2025 is the club's 25 year anniversary so watch this space for details around festivities in March / April / May.
On behalf of the LCRK committee I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, in which I hope to see you frequently both on and off the water.
Don Johnstone - Club President
|Above: time for the Awards Ceremony at The Diddy (photo: Tom H)
Murray Triple Crown 14-15 Dec
Five of our Lane Cove members made the trip down to Yarrawonga over 14-15 December to make a guest appearance at the Murray Triple Crown - the final race of the Paddle Victoria Marathon Series. The Murray Triple Crown involves three races over two days in varying formats - offering something for every paddler.
On Saturday was the Ben Ward Memorial, a 64km down river race from Yarrawonga to Cobram hosted by Cobram Barooga Canoe Club in memory of talented paddler, the late Ben Ward. Completed as either individuals or in relay teams, LCRK had significant success in the event. Brett Greenwood finished first overall, followed closely by Dmytro Medvedev in second place. Cassandra O'Connor and Daniela Torre opted to complete the race as a relay - each completing one leg in their K1s, with the third and final leg completed in a K2. The women came fourth overall and were chuffed to come second in the relay event to a very competitive team comprised of John Young, Dominic Scarfe and Clive Powers.
The Ben Ward Memorial is a great way to see some spectacular countryside - the river winds between sandy beaches and embankments lined with holiday campers enjoying the Christmas heat. This section of the Murray has a lovely gentle flow with fewer snags and swirls compared to the Murrumbidgee River at Wagga, but still enough flow to get some great top speeds as you are slingshot out of the bends.
Sunday's events offer shorter racing - perfect for those recovering from Saturday and those who are up for a bit of action! The first race on Sunday was a 15km course, divided into six 1.5km laps completed predominantly as a relay. Stephen Shelley made his post-shoulder reconstruction debut in the relay alongside Brett, Dani, Dmytro and Cassie, who collectively gave their fellow relay team competitors a good run for their money and finished second overall. Bec Mann, recently back from an impressive performance at the Canoe Marathon World Championships demonstrated why she is one of the strongest female paddlers in the world - much to the delight of the 40 or so juniors competing on the morning.
The final race of the day was a 4.5km short course race with a Le Mans start and finish (sprint on the sandy beach). There was plenty of action in the portaging and corners - with the flow of the river adding some extra drama at the cans and opportunity for those who could turn tightly in the current. Brett finished first in Div 1 with Dmytro coming in fourth. Dani took out Div 3 and Cassie and Steve finished third and eighth in Div 5 respectively.
As the name suggests - there is a Triple Crown for the winner of the weekend - calculated with handicaps based on age, boat type, and division. Brett's consistent performance over the weekend saw him win the Triple Crown based both on actual results and in the handicap - an impressive effort!
A real highlight of the racing is the participation of the Victorian schools - who have a strong contingent of paddlers with very big lung capacity. And if the racing and atmosphere isn't enough to convince you to try this great weekend out, enough cannot be said of the hospitality of Paddle Victoria and Cobram Barooga Canoe Club who are very keen to have even more New South Welshman come down for next year's event.
LCRK 2x2 Relay Sun 1st December 2024 - Christmas! (Organisers: Caroline and Wade)
- Flickr pix - thanks Tom and Steve!
- Christmas around the World (explores the meaning behind the team names from the 2x2 relay)
Twas the 2x2 before Christmas
Twas the month before Christmas, when down at Lane Cove
A gathering of creatures were in the mangrove.
Five children weren't nestled all snug in their beds
These 5 were adventurers with paddling creds.
Now Milly now Spencer, Jess, Zoe and Max
Were carrying their parents on broad-shouldered backs.
It wasn't just children who'd come out this morn -
There were 3 fluffy guinea pigs only recently born.
And an Angel called Grace was dressed up for the day
As were 24 paddlers in a Christmassy way.
Wise men were amongst them - a dubious claim -
But the handicap master was the race-winning name.
A feast then ensued with new books being sold
And timekeepers awarded bronze, silver and gold.
Then gifts were presented - most thoughtfully packed -
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good nacht.
Report: Spencer and Craig

We started slow this morning with Spencer announcing half way into the first lap he had sore arms. After our first two legs the sore arms went away and we were ready to push, Tony let us know that our first two legs were 11s and a second or two, so we decided to try and break the 11 minute barrier, half way into our third leg I felt a surge from behind and Spencer had spotted Tom and Max and that was his drive, can we catch them he said, as we were closing the gap young Tom looked around and saw us coming and all of a sudden it was game on with 500m to the pontoon, we didn’t close the gap anymore but our time was just under 11. It was great to see Tom and Max out there and hopefully many more.
Our last lap, we started strong and 500m in I hear Spencer tell me someone is coming, it was our president ‘The Don’ who was mowing us down, it gave Spencer the drive to hold on to Don until the turning mark, we pushed home and another 10:56 was fantastic. We don’t know much about our paddling teammates, Jessica and Richard, but we cheered them on as they finished each lap. I do know Richard may be resting shortly after getting home.
Spencer really loves the paddling relay and how friendly everyone is and he wanted to take a Guinea Pig home.
Report: Anne Skewes

Today's relay on the Lane Cove River was much-anticipated. The camaraderie and early morning chatter set the perfect backdrop for Lyndsay's first relay on her very smart, ever-reliable Puffin and for me to paddle in my newly renovated and polished-to-a-T Flash. Pairing up for our first singles relay, we started cautiously, gradually building confidence and finding our rhythm with each lap. As nerves gave way to determination, and with plenty of on and offshore encouragement, our pace improved. By the end, we were pretty pleased with our efforts. The morning was topped off perfectly with a delicious morning tea, more chat and plenty of Christmas cheer!
Huge thanks to Caroline, Wade, and the team for organising such a wonderful event!

Hawkesbury Canoe Classic - Presentation Dinner - Sat 9 Nov
Everyone is welcome to attend and celebrate the success of this year's Classic. Whether you were a paddler, landcrew or a volunteer, you are most welcome to join us.
WHEN : Saturday 9th November
TIME : 6pm
VENUE : 2nd Gordon Scout Hall
ADDRESS : 32C Rosedale Road, Gordon (a 9 minute walk from Gordon Train Station)
COST : $10 (cash) to cover pizzas for dinner
BYO drinks
No need to RSVP
LCRK 2x2 relay Sun 10 Nov 2024 - Dress in White Day! (Organisers: Caroline and Wade)
Little White Lies
Welcome to the thrilling 2x2 race report, where teams inspired by various aspects of 'white' battled not just each other, but also the elements and the unexpected. This relay was characterised by deceptive tactics, scary creatures and natural disasters. As the race begins, strategies quickly unfolded.

The “Little White Lies” started weaving their web. The mischievous duo, Justin and Phil N, known for their clever tricks won the race using small deceptions to outsmart all other teams. Little White Lies (1st Place)
Inspired by the legendary “All Blacks” rugby team, the “All Whites” Jeff, Laura and Duncan used a traditional Māori tactic that carries deep cultural significance. Their paddle strokes appeared like a Haka war dance and psychologically challenged their opponents, successfully except for the Little White Lies. All Whites (2nd Place)
Halfway through the course, near the 6km marker, the “White Wizards” of Middle Earth, Pete A. and Tim McN., used ancient knowledge and spells to control the currents and winds, manipulating and confusing waters around the turn. White Wizards (3rd Place)

As harmless and innocent the “Snowflake” Eli appeared, collectively with his dad Scott and Chris J. the Lane Cove River was engulfed in what was rather a fierce blizzard, disorienting and slowing down whoever was behind them. Snowflakes (4th Place)
Fully adapted to the blizzard -like conditions the fierce and fast White Goshawks, Andy and Kevin, flu across the waters with incredible speed. They used their keen observation to navigate the storm, swooping into strategic positions with the precision of a hunting hawk. Goshawks (5th Place)

A mysterious and ancient race of beings had joined the race with pale white skin and bright blue eyes coming from beyond the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. Their names were Craig, Spencer, and Rich. They used supernatural blades made from hardened ice that would have been capable of shattering steel. Known for their chilling presence and seemingly unstoppable endurance the “White Walkers” were not impressed by the stormy conditions ahead of them. White Walkers (6th Place)

Contrary to the “White Walkers” the “White Throated Warblers”, Naomi and Caroline, paddled in complex rhythms and harmonies. With their captivating melody of fine strokes, mimicking an intricate contemporary music composition, they were able to stay clear of the White Caps that were to follow. White Throated Warblers (7th Place)
Similar tactics to the “White Walkers” and the “Snowflakes”, the frothy “White Caps” Don and Jeff C. used their natural powers to reduce visibility for their competitors due to spray and complicated surface conditions. White caps (8th Place)

By now the water was a uniform whiteness that visually erased landmarks. It appears that the “White-outs”, Merry and Stephen, had nothing new to offer to this landscape of white confusion however their tactics were still effective with the “Marshmallows” and the “Great Whites”. White-outs (9th Place)
Underestimated for their gentle approach the Marshmallows, Wade and John T., had a remarkable ability to recover and maintain integrity under pressure and even when in the heat they enhanced their sweet and soft nature. Those qualities defeated even the fierce beasts of the deep sea. Marshmallows (10th Place)

The “Great Whites”, Hamish and Jack, caused a ripple of anxiety among the competitors. They impressed with their fearsome nature but their instinct to swim behind the prey got them into last position today. At least evolutionary that has been working well for them! Great Whites (11th Place)
This 2x2 race was a spectacular showcase of creativity influenced by the theme of “all white”. Each team brought a unique strategy to the competition, from deception, cultural displays, to magical elemental control. The variety in tactics made for an unpredictable and thrilling race that proved both challenging and entertaining. The "Little White Lies" emerged victorious, demonstrating that deception can outperform the most dramatic displays.

From The All Whites Team of Laura and Jeff plus our ring-in Duncan
I was so excited to hear there would be a relay and another chance to get Laura in the boat. Our last partner, Ian, couldn’t make it so Duncan volunteered. Hey everyone, this a great event to get family or friends to come and race with you. Even with no experience, plonk them in a double and enjoy the fun you will have.
Laura and I started 4th off the blocks. We were paddling our new Double Boost and have had only a couple of paddles in it. I got sacked from the front seat, so I’m now a back seat driver. The 2km dash is real fun you are always seeing other paddlers either chasing or coming towards you lots of friendly banter. The first turn buoy we got horribly wrong, cutting the corner and crunching the rocks, lesson learned!!
We had a lot of fun with Merry, Kevin and Andrew during the race. On the 3rd leg we were neck and neck coming to the turn bouy. We got Laura to put in some big strokes, held really tight & Laura did the turn perfectly. Merry and Kevin were giving Laura lots of encouragement - but none for me, just crap!
Duncan had a great paddle, going faster every leg, even after nearly missing the batten change on the second leg. He beat of all the back markers and nearly pulled in Justin! What a great team Justin and Phil are - worthy winners.
The race had a great turnout with 11 Teams. Being a handicap race every team has a chance to do well and Caroline does a great job in setting the handicaps for a close finish
Looking forward to the next race 1st Dec.
Hawkesbury Canoe Classic Legends Evening - 24 Aug

Paralympic Kayaks TV Guide
LCRK Member Justin Paine has also prepared the following TV guide for the broadcasts of the 2024 Paris Paralympics paddling events
The paracanoe events at the Paris Paralympic Games will be held in the morning and early afternoon local time. Paris is 8 hours behind Sydney time, so that means we will be able to watch the events on TV in the early evenings of the same day.
Paracanoe events at the Paris Paralympics will be held over three days, from Friday September 6 to Sunday September 8, at the Vaires-sur-Marine Nautical Stadium, the same venue used for kayak/canoe events foi the Olympic Games a month earlier.
LCRK 2x2 relay Sun 18 Aug 2024 (Organisers: Caroline and Wade)
Kayaking Olympics 2024 at Lane Cove River Kayak Club
As dawn broke over the Lane Cove River, the serene waters belied the fervent activity soon to unfold, the LCRK Olympics 2024. The Lane Cove River Kayak Club, renowned for its picturesque vistas and challenging courses, played host to this prestigious event.
The air was crisp, the river impeccably calm—perfect conditions for what would become a historic day in the world of competitive kayaking. The atmosphere was electric, with athletes from around the globe gathered to take part in this spectacle of speed, agility, and sportsmanship.
A sudden rush of adrenaline kicked off the race when race starter Caroline called out the starts at their handicapped times. Paddlers thrust their boats forward with synchronized strokes, slicing through the water like arrows. At the forefront, the "Green & Silver, Born Winners!" Laura and Jeff H. made an impressive start. They moved in perfect harmony, their paddles cutting through the water with practiced precision. Ian H., completing the team, was tapering all week, displaying a miserable performance at the Wednesday TT, just to win gold at the LCRK Olympic Games this Sunday.
Close on their heels were "Ken Wallace & Curtis McGrath" (John T. and Wade). Named after kayaking legends, John and Wade lived up to their team’s namesake with powerful and fluid strokes. Both matched the legends they aspired to, were a mere 26 seconds behind the Born Winners.
Hydrofoils are not permitted in the Olympic kayaking games though Anne’s helicopter cadence lifted the hull of her and Lyndsay’s double kayak, decreasing drag and allowing greater speed. Team "BSS", consisting of Lyndsay B, Anne S, and Kim S. secured the third spot. Hope Lyndsay won’t paddle a marathon with Anne, but for the 2x2 relay it was a smart strategy.
Meanwhile, "The Evergreens," featuring the seasoned Olympic paddlers Ian Cooper and Liz Pratt, demonstrated that experience often trumps youthful vigor. Their steady, unyielding pace was a masterclass in endurance and technique, earning them a respectable fourth place. Not less impressive were the "Jazzy Foxes" with Phil N. and Andrew P. They lived up to their name with a performance that was as stylish as it was swift, paddling to 5th place.
Alanna and Helen Hystek, along with Merry and Duncan, of team G.O.A.T.S, displayed teamwork that was both inspiring and commendable. Helen had never been in a double kayak before. Her family, except for Alanna and Tony, was not convinced that she could do it. Alanna and Helen even capsized right before the start, having a swim in the cold Lane Cove River. However, this was only generating more determination and courage in Helen to succeed. Well done, Helen! You are a natural! Duncan and Merry, also being first timer in a double together, faced real challenges but with their experience, patience and pure professionalism they mastered the difficulties just as expected from Olympic paddlers. The race concluded with "Neumuller and Sieders," (Derek S. and Elke v E.) who pushed through with remarkable tenacity to finish strong.
As the event drew to a close, the paddlers gathered for the award ceremony. Medals were awarded amidst cheers, the shine of the gold, silver, and bronze as bright as the smiles of those who received them. The organisers fostered a supportive and inclusive environment that contributed to the overall success of the LCRK Olympics 2024. The games successfully reached a 50/50 gender ratio through a combination of strategic planning and inclusive policies. The day was not just a celebration of winners but a commemoration of the LCRK community spirit and unbreakable camaraderie.

Results summary
Olympic Kayaks TV Guide
LCRK Member Justin Paine has kindly prepared the following TV guide for the broadcasts of the 2024 Paris Olympics paddling events
The kayak/canoe events at the Paris Olympic Games will be held in the morning and afternoon local time. Paris is 8 hours behind Sydney time, so that means we will be able to watch the events on TV in the evenings of the same day. The 4 page PDF below will ensure you don't miss out on anything.
LCRK 2x2 relay Sun 24 Mar 2024 (Organisers: Caroline and Wade)
It’s been a beautiful cool Sunday morning again and waves of migrants moved into Chatswood West to start a new day (or life) with fresh opportunities, for some to find gold and others to escape persecution or adverse conditions at home. Those migrants brought a wide set of paddling skills and a hard-working attitude to Lane Cove River Kayak club. They create this multicultural community that complements each other well and shapes this friendly and supportive environment the 2x2 relay is known for.
Out of 6 teams, only half a team (team ANZAC) identified Australia as country of origin. After some further investigations it appears that even that half, many generations back, originated in England and Ireland. Many attendees were born outside Australia, to be exact in the Ukraine, in Poland, Germany, England, New Zealand and Cyprus. Who would have thought that our community is that multi-cultural?

Phil Newman reports:
How much fun was Sunday morning, such a beautiful morning on the water. If I had brought food, it would have had halloumi, cheese or olives, or both, in it. I was born in Cyprus, as was my father whose parents had settled there after WW1 and created a dairy farm just outside Kyrenia, the only dairy cows on the island.
What was special about the 2x2 was the symbolism of the two young boys, Liam and Dylan paddling with two older paddlers Tim and Monika...two very young paddlers taking the 'baton' from the experienced paddlers, a reminder that LCRK not only facilitates paddling for established paddlers but nurtures and grows paddlers of all ages and abilities.
This was reinforced by Justin, our oldest paddler, being on the water, Liam and Dylan ramping up as they develop physically and mentally, and Justin paddling despite the challenges of age, what a legend. All with our common love of the water, enjoying our various levels of skill, spending time with like-minded people.
The winning team of the day was team Poland/ Ireland, with Liam Branley and Dylan Binns in one double and Tim Binns and Monika Branley in the second double. A big thank you to Tim for bringing new hard-working immigrants to the relay with lots of potential. Maybe they will apply for permanent residency soon?
The new combo Jordan and Esther, very pleasing to my ears and eyes, paddled in proper English/New Zealand accent to second place. Phil N. and Kim, both in a Flash single and both originating from similar longitudes on the map (Ukraine and Cyprus).They paddled very well together to third place.
Our united nations team ANZAC, Derek and Justin, was paddling strong and consistent again in the mid-range. Derek has been cycling across NZ in the last 6 months, including high altitude training, and attended the sustainable paddling workshop last weekend for additional physical education and skills. They are expected to move up the ranks next time.
Team Tasmania and Germany, with Andrew P. and Caroline, paddled to second last place. Germany took it way too easy. Finally, our strongest competitor was Wade, also paddling for Ireland. Wade decided to sprint the whole 16km by himself. Having had no break between 8 sprint bouts of 2 km and for over 1.5 hours, Wade finished very close to the second last team. Very impressive performance. I believe Ireland was the winning country of origin at this relay.

Sustainable paddling workshop, Sunday 17th of March
Report by Phil Newman:
Thank you so much for organising this workshop...the presentation, the information, the exercises all far exceeded my expectations. I had anticipated a session focused primarily on kayaking, however, while it did reference and show clear connection to kayaking, what we actually got were life tools that empower us to help understand health fundamentals, identify weaknesses, and work on rectification and development. We don't know what we don't know, and I realised today that in regard to the mechanics and operation of my body I have been living in the dark side of the moon. What was really special was that the exercises were explained in such a way that performing them did not seem like a chore but infect an exciting challenge to explore, discover and then become familiar with muscles and movements that will enhance my life and deepen my appreciation of the wonderful gift of health I have.
Everywhere I looked today I saw eager, interested and engaged looks, there wasn't just something for everyone but everything for everyone, young, old or in their prime. I really loved how the talk started from birth, understanding our development, and sometimes the lack of it, or the variations it can take. I thought, why didn't I hear this information when I was young, when I could use it on my own development, or when I was a parent of newborns...but we know the best time to plant a fruit tree is 20 years ago and the second best time is now...so with the information I learnt today I can start a new direction in maintaining my health, I can look with new eyes at my children and grandchildren...and know that together we will all be better off by being empowered by everything Brent shared with us today.
Thank you, thank you.

Sustainable Paddling Workshop #2 on Sun 17 Mar, 8am-Midday (off-water)
Chiropractor and Osteopath Dr. Brent Gordon and Dr. Caroline Marschner will run another "Sustainable Paddling" workshop. This workshop starts with a lecture that aims to create a deeper understanding of the connections of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems and will continue with a practical session where participants will be provided with safe and effective exercises to work on balance, strength and coordination to optimise posture.
These sessions give you the opportunity to discover personal strong points and limitations in your body, to find a safe approach to work on weaknesses or bring existing strengths to another level. Practical exercises are simple, efficient and do not require expensive equipment. They are modifiable for all levels of capability and can be performed by everyone in all settings. Workshop is limited to 12 people, register quick, first come first serve.
RSVP to lcrkers@gmail.com
Pink Paddle - Wed 13 Mar

LCRK Clean up Australia Day - Sun 3 Mar - 8:00am
Nationally the ‘Clean-up Australia’ community registered 10k Clean-up sites with 750k volunteers this year. I am proud to declare LCRKers as part of this community and a group of committed members sacrificed their Sunday morning to get dirty and to clean up Lane Cove National Park. Many bags were filled with rubbish floating on the water or sitting amongst the mangroves and walkways along the river. Many items were a serious threat to wildlife when caught in it or ingested, most often with leading to mortality. I am truly grateful for our strong support to ease the burden litter puts on our local wildlife. A big thank you to: David and Tommy Hammond, Jeff Tonazzi, Jeff Collins, James Farrell, Wade Rowston, Richard and Matthew Andrews, Esther Wheeler, Duncan Johnstone, Andrew Pearce, Kevin Mulally, Chris Johnson, Stephen Wooden, Tony Hystek, Alanna Ewin, Andrew Pratley, John Thearle, Justin Paine. Members’ comments below
Chris Johnson reports
Possibly my fifth year in a row of this club community activity to keep the river clean(er). For consistency I was allocated the area of Venteman’s Corner and further on from the low tide beach there - (LHS) of river left turn after green 6 km buoy. Tony and Andrew Pratley also helped upriver on the shore as I went down.
A highlight this year was the retrieval of the dinghy which had been sitting adjacent to Magdala park, under the foot bridge, until mid-February when a high tide washed it down river. Tony and Andrew (T & A) were able to “resurface” it and Richard and Matthew towed it back to the pontoon for evacuation to rubbish pile.
Back on Ventman’s riverbank recent high tides had located buoyant rubbish on the land side of the mangroves (very convenient). Thus, making it a straight-line exercise of picking up (many) plastic items, caps from plastic bottles and other caps etc. A few straws, 4 individual sized flip flops, rubber balls etc.
Once the time elapsed, I headed back upriver collecting 2 further bags of rubbish, placed on riverbank, from T & A then back to the pontoon for rubbish extraction and morning tea - thanks Caroline (super job).
Wade and Esther report
We headed upstream in the double canoe to Fullers Rd Bridge and then scrambled our way along the riverbank on the Chatswood side of the river back towards the golf course. We are happy to report that not much rubbish was found at all. Only about a quarter of a bag. That means either our ongoing efforts on CUAD are paying dividends or that floods have washed the rubbish further downstream. Perhaps a bit of both.
Kevin Mulally reports
We had fun….. and yummy cake! We daudled along the footpath and surprisingly picked up our largest haul in the carpark.

LCRK Special Technique Training Morning - Sun 18 Feb 2024 (Organiser: James Harrington) - Report
On Sunday the 18th of February the club held a great small groups technique training morning with 29 eager to learn LCRK club paddlers and 5 expert coaches and instructors attending. It was misty at first but then the sun broke through providing a very warm and humid morning.
First there was an off-water review of paddling technique demonstrated by James H with each of the other coaches Brett, Paul, Naomi and Tony providing some key points on technique. This was followed by breaking out into 5 separate groups that were dedicated to a single coach for the rest of the morning.
First the groups spent another 30-45 mins on land, some working on the Erg and also a brilliant home made paddling/balance simulator (see photos). Try paddling that at home while watching a full replay of last years World Canoe Marathon Championships open Mens or Womens singles!
The groups then hit the water at separate times to follow the coaches exercises and drills for the morning.
Eventually everyone returned to the shed at about 11am for a bacon and egg roll expertly bbq'd by Justin and John Thearle and providored by Alanna (thank you). There was an thoughtful buzz about as everyone tried to digest what they had learnt during the session. So much to work on. All round it was a great session.
Many thanks to the coaches/instructors for a really excellent morning. Everyones' time is valuable so your efforts are much appreciated by all. A big thank you!

LCRK 2x2 relay Sun 11 Feb 2024 (Organisers: Caroline and Wade)
This month’s theme was ‘Iconic Aussie Food’ which might be the reason for the biggest turnout in a whole year with 20 paddlers in 8 teams, including 4 doubles and 12 singles, 16 adults and 4 kids. It’s been another fun event with Chiko rolls and Aeroplane Jelly childhood memories for some. Thank you to all attendees, hope to see as many paddlers and particularly youngsters again. Spread the word and bring your friends, (grand-) kids or parents, anybody is welcome!

The Details
It was a peaceful and quiet Sunday morning until the first fleet of paddlers arrived at Lane Cove River Kayak Club around 7am on the 11th of February 2024, with enough food supply for a whole settlement. With inadequate expertise in hunting and gathering, paddlers relied on salty Chiko rolls, Twisties, Cheezels and excessive sugar as ‘the earth affords them no food at all, neither herbs, roots or any sort of grain to eat (William Dampier 1697, English Seafarer). Blind to what was in front of them they adopted literally no indigenous foods, except for the kangaroo meat in the dog food section. Anyway, a salty diet of fat and carbs provides good energy for a 2x2 relay and cardiologist Dr. Chris Quirk will manage the anticipated. But wait, I don’t want to be too negative here, so let’s investigate that further:
Australian food scientist Thomas Mayne developed a powdered chocolate malt drink with all the vitamins and minerals to address the malnutrition in Aussie kids and named it after a Greek wrestler with legendary strength. There seems to be some truth in that as team ‘Milo’ (Kim, Anne and Caroline) was paddling to the first podium position this morning with great distance to all other teams. Then there was Frank McEncroe who developed a ‘Chicken Roll’ inspired by Chinese spring rolls but not as flimsy and with no chicken. What sounds to me like a copy with nothing in it what it promises has been described as an Australian cultural icon. Is that because of the ‘Chiko Roll’ or the ‘Chiko Chick’? Well, ‘You can’t knock the roll’ as Jeff H. and Esther paddled to second place on the podium and supplied a big tray of Chiko rolls for everyone. Thanks guys!
There is one food that is ‘shrimply the best’ in Australia. It’s not processed or fried, nor preserved or sweetened. It’s the fresh Aussie Prawn. Banana, Endevour, King, Tiger or School prawn, Australia is blessed with a productive fishery of prawns. Team ‘The Prawns’ (Patrick and Jeff T.) appreciates the low fat and high protein food source which added to their muscle power this morning as they paddled to third podium position. After the prawns we have another secret weapon on the Aussie table. A quite unusual, large, oily, single-seeded berry with exceptional nutritional value. Its origin is America, but Aussies smash it up, serve it on sourdough and declare it as theirs. The high unsaturated fat content provides many benefits for gut and heart health. Our team ‘Smashed Avos’ is the living proof of all the Avo health benefits as 12 years old Eli Tyers brings his dad Scott and Wade over the finish line as 4th out of 8 teams. Wade has also been spotted eating ‘Smashed Avo on Toast’ at the café this week, secretly preparing for the event and for a long healthy life. An Avocado a day keeps Dr. Quirk away!
Then there was Team ‘Snags’. Wth…are ‘Snags’? Alright, the dictionary is my best friend, and it says: 1. an unexpected or hidden obstacle 2. a sharp, angular projection 3. to catch or tear something on a sharp projection. All of these are a thing on Lane Cove River but are not food! Then there was the slang dictionary telling me about ‘a submerged tree stump', 'an unexpected drawback', and more recently as an acronym for ‘sensitive new age guy'. Still all true for LCRK club but ain’t food! Finally at the end of the slang word list there was the word ‘Sausage’. I can only proudly say to my Aussie family: ‘You’ve got no idea what a sausage is. Definitely not yours!’ The cruel reality is that the ‘Snags’ were 7 seconds faster than the ‘Prawns’ based on time. This high energy fuel is performance enhancing during a sprint race, though I am concerned about its long-term cardio-vascular effects. Team Snags came fifth based on handicap.
Team ‘Cheezels’ (Rich Y and Craig E.) were fastest team of the day, but 6th on handicap. ‘Cheezels’ are a real Assie snack made of corn starch and rice. As a highly digestible carb source and just enough salt to prevent muscle cramps it appears to be the perfect energy source for long distance paddling. Rich made all efforts to dress appropriately for the current theme and was seen dressed in a Cheezels shirt. Thanks Rich! Love your commitment for the 2x2 relay. We accept Cheezels as an authentic Aussie food, but not sausages.
‘To paddle Arnott to paddle’, that was the question this morning for Duncan and Kyla J. who came 7th. What started as a little bakery from Scottish immigrant William Arnott has become the Australia’s biggest producer of biscuits and snacks. With currently 73 types of sweet or savory products on the market they are proof of Aussie’s hunger for high energy food. Not too sure if it is Aussie though, established by a Scottish immigrant and now owned by Campbell Soup Company of North America. Despite the fear it might become Americanized, the production of biscuits always stayed with Australia. Duncan and Kyla J. were not sole distributor of Arnott’s selection this morning, Patrick also brought Arnott’s famous TimTam for us. Kyla just recently joined the club again, maybe we will see her again. Good effort Kyla!
Last but not least there was team ‘Paddle Pops’ on their ‘Paddle Pop Adventures’ with Tim, Thomas, Dylan Binns and Liam Branley. I have to say Thomas (10 years old), Eli, Dylan and Liam (all 12 years) were my highlight of the day! I am excited to have them with us. All of them managed to paddle the full 8km distance. Dylan and Liam even paddled in their own double kayak keeping everyone honest! What a fantastic effort, you guys are amazing! Please come back for another round!
Time keeper was Justin Paine today as team Fish’n Chips. Thank you Justin for sacrificing your Sunday morning for us, much appreciated.
So here we are with nothing left but Milo, Prawns, Cheezels and ice cream. It becomes almost questionable if there is such a thing as iconic Aussie food. We learned nothing from our native culture but instead we slowly adopted a typical English cuisine and later all other food cultures in the world. There are claims for national dishes such as meat pies which were featured already around 6000 BC on ancient Egyptian tomb walls. Shepherd pies were invented by peasant housewives from Ireland and Northern England and we still argue with NZ about Pavlova. If anyone wants to expand on this? I did indeed find a truly authentic Aussie food: the ANZAC biscuit, but even that we must share with our NZ neighbours. The term ANZAC has been protected under Aussie law and can’t be used without permission. There was one exemption granted for ‘ANZAC biscuits’ as long as these biscuits remain true to the original recipe and not sold as cookies! Based on my little research today and only using grey literature it appears to me we are the ‘Stolen food’ generations and need to come up with something better, something no other country in the world would have or I suggest going bush tucker style!
LCRK 2x2 relay 21 Jan 2024: Blues, Indie Rock, Minimalism and Footrot Flats.
If you are new to this relay and read the headline you probably think that this is very strange. Yes, you are right, it is very strange. I am astonished every time I write my reports about the scenarios a bunch of Aussies and Aussiefieds choose with their team names. Whether it is ‘Wildly Weird Aussie Animals’, ‘Famous Couples in History’, or a music style, you get to know yourself and your fellow mates when you join the 2x2 and that is our goal! Thank you to our members who embrace this slightly strange 2x2 relay, thank you for being your authentic selves, for being creative and for sharing your passions with your fellow paddlers. That is the heart of the 2x2 relay. We are all unique and bring our distinct characters, capabilities, and mindsets to the relay.
This month we wanted to know what music style best describes our paddling. It was, but it wasn’t, a surprise that most of our teams rocked and some relaxed into some good old Blues. Derek S. and Justin P. teamed up as ‘Delta Blues’. Derek is a huge Blues fan. One of his fave Blues star, Tony Joe White, died recently, famous for ‘Polk Salad Annie’ which was a world-wide hit in the 60’s. Today he named his team ‘Delta Blues’ because our mangroves here in Sydney are like those in the Mississippi Delta wetlands. I had no idea! Thank you Derek for another piece of local wisdom and I am sorry to hear about your fave Blues star. Unfortunately, Derek was unable to paddle this morning and Alanna had the joy to paddle with Justin.
Jeff C. has exclusive naming rights for this team with Jeff T., so he shared his passion for soul-music which has its roots in African American Gospel music and Blues. Jeff and Jeff paddled as ‘Motown’ around the course. ‘Motown’ stands for motor town Detroit. Detroit is where most American cars and rock music artists came from. Check out Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul!
Karen H. and Esther W. rocked around the course as ‘Indie Rock’. I am a bit rocky when it comes to rock music. I imagined Native American Indians or music by Indiana Jones? ‘Indie Rock’ is actually a subgenre named after ‘inde-pendent’ rock bands. Duncan J. was on the same wavelength with his team’s name ‘The Strokes,’ an Indie Rock band. Duncan explained that ‘Strokes’ has at least two more meanings related to paddling, one being the paddling stroke and the other a brain stroke. Very creative Duncan!
Naomi and Pauline also rocked but represented the subgenre ‘Punk Rock’ that is rather raw in energy and of fast tempo. Later, Naomi explained that her paddling style is also inspired by Minimalism, a style of music with minimal notes, few words, few instruments but steady, harmonic, and pleasant in nature. That sounds just like her paddling style!
And there was Jeff H. and Rich Y. with ‘Two Slices of Heaven’. The song ‘Slice of Heaven’ is the well-known default national anthem of New Zealand, heard every day when you visit our great neighbours. It is also a comic about Wallace Footrot, a farmer who runs a sheep and catle farm called Footrot Flats. He owns a Border Collie, known as "the Dog"?! I tried hard to share Jeff’s H. and Rich’s passion but for now I just hope the cattle stays well clear of Footrot!
Here we are again, I have heard some interesting but strange things today. I am still contemplating all that I learned about rock music and NZ comics. God help me to never have an opinion on any of those passions, but to allow myself to be astonished. To be open to ‘Footrot flats’ was a hard one for a veterinarian, but I am very curious how my paddling mates arrived at such a diverse set of music and literature. There is so much depth in choosing team names that I am more and more interested to get to know everyone’s personal flavours within the scope of our 2x2 relays in 2024.