2012 News
7 Dec 12 Kayak Kapers - December Issue Available

The 2012 Hawkesbury Classic was a triumph for Lane Cove River Kayakers. We won the Commonwealth Bank Cup as the strongest club for the 9th time in the last 10 years, Toby Hogbin became the fast single paddler in Classic history, and we had not only the winner in Rae Duffy but the first four on handicap. You can read all about it in the December 2012 issue of Kayak Kapers. Also in this issue, which provides expanded Classic coverage:
• Tom Simmat describes the revolutionary bulb-nose design for the kayak he rebuilt for this year’s Classic and created a record in.
• PNSW’s Sprint Series has taken off and is attracting big fields.
• Richard Barnes is at it again – he’s preparing for another Bass Strait kayak crossing in January.
• Matt Blundell and Mike Snell are tackling a 4-day kayak race down NZ’s Clutha River, dropping from the heights of the Southern Alps to the ocean.
• It’s not long until the Murray Marathon, and Lane Cove will have at least 9 boats competing.
And more.
The December issue and earlier issues of Kayak Kapers are available to download
5 Dec 2012 Fire!
This week's time trial was cancelled due to bushfire.

Comments from the water:
(Tony C) I did the 12kms and from the bottom marker it looked as though Chatswood Athletic Field had burst into flames. I paddled back and reached the point where the fire was blazing. It was almost down to waters edge. As a crept along about a metre from the bank, it was like being in the middle of a news story - flames and smoke loomed above, three choppers with water bags on rotation, filling up in the river and dumping their contents on the blaze. Other news choppers buzzing about. I reckon I stood every chance of being scooped up along with the water. We must do it again like this - great fun!
(Jon H) We sat in our boats at the 6km turning buoy watching the choppers, 4 at one stage, filling their buckets 50m away. The fire was down to the water a bit further down. Definitely the right decision to cancel.
(Tom S) Always disappointed when time trials are cancelled, especially Crudslime Cup. A few of us ventured down to the bottom mark, all was clear, but on the way back the fire was reignited and two choppers were in action using water buckets, a third was a news camera or an observer. I crept back past them close to the bank, for fear I might have to portage back to the car. The more sensible paddlers were doing laps of the short course. It was the right call to cancel the time trial.
(Justin P) I went down to the pontoon today to have an early paddle, and got away about 3.25pm. There was a fire below the Epping Rd bridge and the air was so thick with smoke that I couldn't see the helicopters buzzing about above. But there was no fire on the water, so I paddled down to Figtree against a very strong southerly. Coming back I got only as far as the narrows when a sky crane chopper descended with a roar, gulped up a tankful of water and went back to water bomb the fire. Four other conventional helicopters dangling a bucket at the end of a long wire rope took turns to fill up and dump water, and the river became a noisy madhouse. I pulled over to the bank at Sugarloaf Point to get out of the way and spent the next hour and three-quarters with a front row view of helicopters queueing up for refills. When I say close up I mean maybe 80 metres away, often on our side of the middle of the river. A few other people turned up to watch and when we weren't being hit with spray we were being rained on with water dripping from the buckets which passed over us at rather low heights. The flying crane sometimes sank so low that his hose emerged spitting mud, which means he did a dredging job on the approach to the narrows. So if you feel a sudden burst of speed there you'll know it's a bit deeper than it used to be. They must have come down 40 or 50 times. When I finally got back to the pontoon at 6pm I told those paddlers who hadn't seen Wade's cancellation email that the fire was out and all was now clear. But the fire reignited and the firefight was on again. About 20 people turned up and paddled, but stayed on the 6km course. The fire was raging pretty fiercely when I drove home after 8.30pm.

24 Nov 2012 Hawkesbury Canoe Classic Presentation Dinner and the Commonwealth Bank Cup
A number of us attended and participated in this well-run event where many trophies were presented, a good number to LCRKers.
Oh, and YES, we did win the Commonwealth Bank Cup with Central Coast runner up and The Armidale School coming in third. While our record breakers and near record breakers boosted our points, our victory was essentially due to the very large number of us taking on this excellent but demanding event - thank you all, paddlers, volunteers, landcrew and, of course, Andrew Mackay. More coverage in the next Kayak Kapers.
Thank you also for the funds you raised for the Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation - those of us at the dinner were reminded of its most valuable work and the extensive research still required to help leukemia sufferers. In the future, we can probably attract more donations from our contacts with little effort as our Chris Thompson again proved this year; Chris was announced as the event's highest money raiser.
Whether or not you paddled this year, keep next year's HCC in mind.

Joy and Richard

Matt and Michael

Rae and Neil
17 Nov 2012 Burley Griffin Canoe Club 24 Hour Challenge
Congratulations to Tom Simmat who spent his weekend on the Molonglo River in Canberra taking part in the Burley Griffin Canoe Club 24 hour Challenge. The course consisted of a 5 kilometer loop and the overall aim was to complete as many laps as possible in the 24 hour period. Proceeds and money raised went to the Cure Cancer Foundation. Tom competed in the Competitive Solo Mens division and completed 38 laps, was 9th overall and 2nd in the division. Conditions on the day were wet, windy and cold so congratulations and well done on completing this challenge.
11 Nov 2012 Sprint Series - Round 3
The PaddleNSW Sprint Series Round 3 was great day. Nelos (the god of paddling) was good to us, the weather was perfect, very calm in the morning with a slight tail wind in the afternoon. More than 100 paddlers representing over 15 clubs were there. Lots of LCRK Photos.

Photo from UltimateImageCapture

LCRK was well represented on the water by: Andrew Benoit, Tim Binns, Jason Cooper, John Greathead, Jon Harris, Tom Holloway, Steve Newsome, Joy Robinson, Richard Robinson, Wade Rowston, Tom Simmat, Derek Simmonds, Tony Walker, Friederike Welter & Nigel, . The Results contain some excellent performances.








A huge thank you to Roger Dean, Alana Ewin, Tony Hystek and Justin Pain helped keep the day running smoothly. Many of the LCRK paddlers also helped out as did our friends from WCC and MWKC.
John Greathead - "I have said it before 'every marathon paddler needs a sprint' and if you put a strong young lady in the back of a stable K2 and a 91 Kg old paddler in the front it is a fun downhill paddle all the way. A great day was had by all!"
Richard Robinson - "What a fantastic day, a huge turnout, positive vibe and the introduction of team boat races. I had a fantastic time jumping in the back of the K4 for the first time, and we were able to field a great mix of crews in that boat on the day. Lets make the next regatta a great team event for LCRK, come out and get involved in our team races and boats"
Nigel - "It is great to be amongst such a wide range of paddlers, first timers to potential Olympians all on the water having fun (some having fun in the water). It was really nice to see several dads paddling doubles with their kids, Paul and Rory(6) from CCCC, Andy and Jack(8) from MWKC and a few others."
More Round 3 photos on the PaddleNSW photostream.
7 Nov 2013 Marathon Dates
PaddleNSW has announced the 2013 marathon schedule.
- Round 1 - Saturday 16th March - Burley Griffin Canoe Club, Canberra
- Round 2 – Saturday 20th April - Wagga Bidgee Canoe Club, Wagga Wagga
- Round 3 – Sunday 12th May - Central Coast Canoe Club, Wyong Has been changed to 5th May
- Round 4 – Sunday 26th May - Manly Warringah Kayak Club, Narrabeen
- Round 5 – Saturday 8th June - Sutherland Shire Canoe Club, Woronora
- Round 6 - Saturday 29th June - Penrith Valley Canoe Club, Penrith
- Round 7 – Saturday 20th July - Makai Paddlers, Burrill Lake
- Round 8 – Saturday 3rd August - Windsor Canoe Club, Windsor
- Round 9 – Saturday 24th August - Cronulla Sutherland Kayak Club, Swallow Rock
- Round 10 – Sunday 8th September Lane Cove River Kayakers, Lane Cove
- State Championships - Saturday 21st September - Sydney International Regatta Centre
3 Nov 2012 Annual Reports

PaddleNSW's Annual Report is now available.

Australian Canoeing's Annual Report is now available.
27-28 Oct 12 Hawkesbury Classic

What a great turnout form LCRK at the HCC.
Quite a few PBs and records broken.
>> Draft Results <<
>> Photos <<
Results include:
- Toby Hogbin 8:18 - UN1 RECORD - Fastest single ever!
- Tony Hystek 9:08 - just missed record due to some rescue work, UN1 50+
- Richard Robinson 8:57 PB, missed record by 9 seconds UN1 40+
- Kristy Benjamin / Bob Turner - 8:58 Mixed LREC2 - RECORD!
- Glen Orchard 9:09 ORS - within hour of record
- Matt Shields / Michael Quinn 9:48 - Class Winners Long Rec 2
- Craig Ellis / Carmen Ellis 10:20 BoB2
- Tom Simmat 10:35 - Smashed SREC 60+ RECORD and
stopped to repair boat on the way - Urs Mader / Arni Mader - 10:40 REC2 Mixed 50+ broke own RECORD!
- Janet Oldham / Friederike Welter 10:43 - L40+ UN2 RECORD!
- Tom Holloway 10:44 PB MREC
- Lachlen Lee / Oliver Hankin 10:46 BoB2
- Tim Hookins 10:52 - Smashed 60+ Unrestricted RECORD!
- Rae Duffy 10:58 MREC L50+ - Stole Liz Winn's RECORD with a handicap time of 8:48!
- Cathy Miller/ Trevor Waters - 11:08 BoB2
- Phil Geddes / Paul Van Koesveld - 11:19 LREC2 60+
- John Duffy 11:22 - 11th finish and Big PB
- Tony Carr 11:36 - LREC 60+ - Missed PB by 3 seconds
- Neil Duffy - 11:46 BoB1
- Peter Edney 11:49 TK1 - First Finish!
- James Mumme / John Thearle 12:01 LREC2 40+
- Joan Morrison/Richard Barnes BoB2 12:06
- Tim Dodd / Bob Kenderes 12:31 BoB2
- Chris Thompson 12:33 BoB - Snapped paddle!
- Anjie Lees - 13:06 BoB - First Finish!
- Craig Ryan 13:17 MREC 40+
- Matt Swann 13:24 BoB
- Nick Race 13:24 - First Finish! BoB
- Kenji Ogawa 13:52 BoB
- Joy Robinson 14:10 UN1 L40+
- Meg Thornton 14:42 LREC L50+
- Bill McIntosh 14:35 BoB - First Finish!
- Caron Jander 14:35 BoB
- Tim Knox 14:35 BoB - First Finish!
- Mike Finnegan 15:02 BoB
- Ruby Gamble 15:50 MREC - First Finish!
- Ann Lloyd-Green 15:49 - TK1 L60+
- Andrew Kucyper 16:37 BoB
- Andrew Mathers 16:44 Outrigger 40+
- Wade Rowston 11:55 (Withdrew at Pit Stop) MREC 50+
- Andrew Pratley 9:42 (Withdrew at Wisemans) BoB
- Justin Paine 12:40 (Withdrew at Wisemans) MREC 60+
- Duncan Johnsone 5:58 (Withdrew at F) LREC 50+
- Andrew Benoit 6:42 (Withdrew at F) BoB
- Marilyn Golden 4:35 (Withdrew at Sackville) BoB

20-21 Oct 12 PaddleNSW Rec Paddle - The Orchards Marramarra NP

What a wonderful weekend, all the essential ingredients were there, great weather, warm water, beautiful camp site, tasty food and amazing company. The paddle started from the marina at Berowra Waters, seven paddlers in 6 craft we made our way down the west bank of Berowra Creek passing the small communities of Calobash Point, Collingridge Point and Coba Point, riding out the wash as a number of pleasure craft motored past. A relaxing lunch was enjoyed on one of the friendly little sandy beaches below Mount Shuttle. Then, refreshed we pressed on into Marramarra Creek on a high tide that gave us safe passage over the many oyster leases leading up to Friendly Island. Then the towering eucalyptus's arched over the water as we headed up to and past Big Bay where we took an interesting D-tour through the mangrove that surprised everyone by disgorging us out of the dense growth a bit further up the creek. We wound our way up Marramarra Creek past large stands of Casuarinas, at one point surprising a couple who seemed intent on getting back to nature for the weekend. The planned camp site was occupied by about 30 teenage boys on Duke of Edinburgh training but undeterred we found another, arguably better, camp site beside the old citrus trees of the abandoned orchards. With a bench, a fire place and an expansive grassed area to pitch our tents we were soon prepared for an evening beside the camp fire. The culinary skills were amazing, Jamie Oliver eat your heart out..accompanied by an utterly hilarious show and tell of high tech camping gear that Paul proudly displayed by torch light. In my opinion Marie and Andrew took out the Master Chef award while Ross and Cynthia had the most sophisticated camping chairs by a country mile. By 9.30 we were all ready to retire to our tents, exhausted by the paddle, the days heat and the beautiful wines and stories we had shared.

Daylight brought a more overcast day and a Kookaburra intent on sharing our breakfasts. We experimented with cooking eggs in orange skins and the smell of bacon and mushrooms cooking on the camp fire was mouthwatering. After striking our tents and packing up our craft we launched onto the creek at low tide where we were forced to keep to the outer edges of the bends looking for deeper water until we had passed Big Bay. We manoeuvred around the oyster leases to Barr Island, guided expertly by Gary who seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding oyster beds. We explored the historical island with its recently refurbished jetty and many old grave stones. Heading back up Berowra Creek into a steady headwind gave those paddlers due to take part in the Classic a good workout. Stopping for lunch on a sandy beach was a welcome rest, except for Andrew who took the opportunity to collect plastic garbage washed up on the shore. At the end of the final leg it was so pleasant to arrive at the sheltered cove of the marina where we all enjoyed various delights at the cafe as we chatted over the highlights of the trip. Thank you to Marie Carr, Paul Gibson, Gary Luke, Andrew Mathers and Cynthia and Ross Moncrieff for their company and for contributing in so many ways to make it such a fun weekend.

13-10-12 Kayak Kapers - October Issue Available

Lane Cove River Kayakers is preparing a large fleet for the Hawkesbury Classic on Oct 27/28 and is determined to retain the Commonwealth Bank Cup as the most successful club. You can read who is competing and what they’re paddling in the October issue of Kayak Kapers. Also in this issue you’ll find:
- Lots of racing reports, including the Marathon 9 and Iceberg series, the Myall Classic, Akuna Bay Multisport and Sprint Series.
- Tony Hystek reports on substandard conditions at the World Masters in Rome.
- Is your paddle right for you? Jason Cooper explains the features you should be looking for.
The October issue and earlier issues of Kayak Kapers are available to download
13-10-2012 Marathon 9 Wrap Up
The Marathon 9 season ended on Saturday 13 October with the final round and presentation at Illawarra. Again, LCRK had a strong showing represented by (Div1) Steve Newsome & Jeremy Spear, (Div2) Tony Hystek - 3rd, (Div3) Craig Ellis & Carmen Ellis, Tom Simmat, David Hammond & Tim Binns, (Div4) Phillip Geddes & Paul van Koesveld - 1st, Janet Oldham & Freiderike Welter, Wade Rowston, (Div5) Tim Hookins, Derek Simmonds, Duncan Johnstone, (Div6) Richard Lindsay, Anjie Lees, (Div8) Tony Walker & John Greathead and (Div9) Don Rowston. LCRK member Matt Blundell won Division 1 paddling for MWKC.
Solid performances thoughout the year were rewarded with 1st place in three divisions, Div 4 - Paul van Koesveld and Phillip Geddes, Div 5 - Wade Rowston, Div 8 - John Greathead & Tony Walker. Matt Blundell finished the season at the top of Division 1.
LCRK finished the season 4th behind BGCC, SSP and MWKC. Congratulations to everyone who took part in the 2012 Marathon 9 Series. Full Results

Paul & Phill


John & Tony
09-10-2012 World Canoe Marathon Championships

Portage debacle - Watch video
At the October Club BBQ, Tony Hystek presented a video of highlights from the World Canoe Marathon Championships in Rome, held in mid-September 2012. Several laps of a 5km course are interspersed by compulsory portages, and at international level every competitor must portage every lap. Results

The video highlighted the poor effort from this year's organisers as paddlers were presented with a dangerous and difficult portage up a slippery timber ramp set at around 40 degrees. Several Masters paddlers had nasty falls prompting the organisers to splash some non-slip paint around...not where it really mattered though. The world championship events provided spectators with many spills and thrills. The course was on the Trevere (Tiber) river in the heart of Rome, and with a flow of around 2km/hr created turbulent and difficult conditions, especially for those in more unstable boats. Underwater hazards were unmarked, leading to many damaged boats.
However, with the level of competition so high, the adrenalin rush of competing with the worlds best made the course problems less significant. To wear the green & gold and compete in a world championship event is definitely a career highlight. A South African point of view
30-09-2012 PaddleNSW Sprint Series - Round 2
Several LCRKers took part in Regatta 2 of the PNSW Sprint Series on Sunday, including Tim Binns, Jason Cooper, Derek Simmonds, Tony Walker, John Greathead and Nigel.
The weather was close to perfect - just a bit of wind to keep things interesting and for the second time in a row, a weed free course - looks like the team at SIRC are on top of that problem now! The moderate westerly made for some close racing but not much chance of a PB.
Check out the Round 2 Results and the Round 2 Photos.



It was a fantastic turnout given it was a double Grand Final weekend, a long weekend and school holidays! Fifty paddlers participated in an action-packed four hour schedule of twenty-six races over 1000m, 500m 200m and then a 100m match race tournament. Everything went smoothy due to the fantastic effort of LCRK volunteers Roger Deane, Joy & Richard Robinson, Janet Oldham, James Mumme, John Greathead, Tony Walker, Tony Hystek, Nigel and our friends from WCC.


Roger, Richard, Joy

If you haven't tried Sprint racing yet, have a look at the Try Sprint page on this website. If you're not sure whether it is for you, why not come along and volunteer at the next regatta.
Sprint Series Round 3 is on Sunday 11 November - have a go!
30-09-2012 Mooney Mooney to Spencer and Back
Attach:Spencer.jpg Δ A merry band of LCRKs met at Deerubbun Reserve, Mooney Mooney for the return trip to Spencer. Paddlers included Nick Race, Caron Jander, Duncan Johnstone, Phil Geddes, John Boakes, Ann Lloyd-Green, Andrew Pratley, Chris Thompson, Andrew Kucyper, Justrin Paine, Meg Thornton, Andrew Mathers, Kenji Ogawa ,Bill McIntosh, Tim Knox, Tom Holloway and Tony Carr.
The purpose of the paddle was to help everyone prepare for the HCC and introduce some first-timers to the sometimes tricky final section.
16-09-2012 LCR Rec Paddle - Blackman Park to DeBurghs Bridge
We couldn't have picked a more beautiful spring morning to paddle up Lane Cove River. After a briefing in the wonderful BBQ area at the end of Blackman Park six paddlers, two from LCRK, launched from the beach on a high tide and paddled in a gentle breeze up to the weir in Lane Cove National Park. Being high tide the portage across to the fresh water above the weir was straight forward and the group paddled well up the winding river past many couples and families in rowboats enjoying a day on the water. Towards the top we had lunch before heading to the top pool below De Burghs Bridge and turning to paddle back down stream.
The portage over the weir was a different experience on the way back as the tide had gone out leaving green slippery concrete that claimed one paddler who required some first aid before continuing. The group dynamics were excellent resulting in a enjoyable paddle on the river.
Anyone who has not paddled above the weir should take the opportunity to experience the environment there, so different from the tidal mangrove banks below the weir. Wild life is varied and plentiful, turtles and water hens plus many others live in these waters and there were several water dragons sunning themselves on the side of the river. In the early 1800's the area was illegally logged and then for over a hundred years there were several orchards here, it was only in 1938 that it was declared a national park. It is easy to forget you are in the heart of Sydney on this peaceful stretch of the river.
Did you know that every Wednesday when you take part in the time trial you paddle past the stretch of river bank where the bodies of Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler were found on New Years day 1963? Presumably overcome by Hydrogen Sulphide gasses from the mangroves.
There are a number of LCRK recreational paddles coming up, some of them weekend paddles, all sanctioned by PaddleNSW and free to members, take a look on the LCRK web site and register on the PaddleNSW website. Come on these paddles, have fun and learn about the areas you are paddling in.

12-09-2012 Lane Cove Marathon
Race 7 of Paddle NSW’s Marathon Series was held on the popular Lane Cove River course on Sunday Sept 9 and was a huge success, with 119 boats competing, many of them doubles. Fine, warm weather added to the enjoyment.

Fred & Janet - perfect sync!
There were plenty of exciting finishes, starting off in Division 1 where Darren Lee edged out Toby Hogbin by one second after the two slugged it out side by side for the whole race. In Division 2 it was even tighter, with only 4 seconds separating winners Mick Carroll/Jack Ward from Arnold Graf, Shane Lund and Warren Cahill. In Division 6, won by Emma Thompson, times were so hot that the first 4 have been promoted to division 5 for the next race. Popular home course winners were Lane Cove River Kayakers’ evergreen Tom Simmat in Division 3 and the double combination of Janet Oldham/Friederike Welter in Division 5. Full Results
Most of the competitors stayed on for a fine BBQ and there was heaps of interest in a raffle with excellent prizes. Photographs taken on the day are available online and can be downloaded free. Check out the Photo Gallery. A more complete report of the race and details of performances by Lane Cove paddlers will appear in the next issue of Kayak Kapers, due out next month.
06-09-2012 PaddleNSW Sprint Series - Round 1
Lane Cove River Kayakers (LCRK) was well represented at the recent PaddleNSW Sprint Series Regatta 1 held at the Sydney International Rowing Centre (SIRC) on Saturday 11th of August.
Many competitors were concerned about the widespread prevalence of weed after their experiences at the PNSW Marathon Championships held in early July, however the Team at SIRC led by Michael Trenear had done a wonderful job of keeping the weed at bay.
Proving nothing is ever perfect, competitors arrived to find a pretty stiff South Westerly breeze (thankfully not gale force as it had been the day before) which both added to the excitement of staying in and kept times down. Representing Lane Cove were Jason Cooper, Jeremy Spear, John Greathead, Joy Robinson, Richard Robinson, Tony Hystek and Tony Walker. Friederike Welter and Nigel had hoped to race however were busy fine tuning Nigel’s state of the art automated timing and results system.
Racing was over the traditional 1000m, 500m and 200m distances, with organisers trialling a fantastic 100m instant elimination match race held right in front of the finish pontoon. This event will be back for Regatta 2. Results
Lane Cove also had a very strong contingent of volunteers on the day, namely John Greathead, Jon Harris, James Mumme, Joy Robinson, Matt Swann, Phil Geddes, Tony Hystek, Tony Walker, Roger Deane (Race starter), Richard Robinson, and of course Nigel and Friederike Welter in the finish tower. LCRK was by far and away the biggest provider of volunteers from any club, great work.
If you haven’t tried sprinting, you must put it on your list of things to do. The venue is (obviously) Olympic standard, you’ll be finished in half a day, all races are competitive and it will only set you back $25. It’s not often you get to race at an international standard facility for that kind of money.
For those not familiar with the format, races are run on a divisional system so you don’t have to be as quick as Murray Stewart to win. Competitors nominate a 1000m time (you all know how long it takes to cover 1km) and everyone is ranked in heats with “like minded” paddlers. You don’t even need to be able to paddle a K1. Sea kayaks, multipsorts, ocean skis or TK’s are all fine. Hopefully we can out number some of the other well known Clubs at the next event. Regatta 2 is scheduled for Saturday 30 September. Come along and either paddle or volunteer and see if we can make it an even better turn out for LCRK.
02-09-2012 New LCRK Website
LCRK has a new web site. Have a look around then email the committee with your questions, corrections, ideas or feedback.
20-08-2012 New Timekeeper roster
The new timekeeper's roster is now posted. If you are scheduled on the roster but can't make it, you should arrange a replacement and let Andrew Mathers know at roster@lcrk.org.au
15-08-2012 Murray 200, new LCRK president.
Tony Hystek set himself for a big race at the Murray 200 this year and wasn't disappointed as he finished the event faster than any other single paddler has ever done it. Hystek was one of a contingent of 8 from Lane Cove River Kayakers to go South Australia for the annual event. You can read their individual reports in the August 2012 issue of Kayak Kapers.
Also in this issue: Wade Rowston, a pioneer of club paddling on Lane Cove River, has been elected LCRK President.
The August issue and earlier issues of Kayak Kapers can be downloaded free to your own computer.
16-06-2012 June 2012 Kayak Kapers out now
Would you drive almost to the Gulf of Carpentaria for a 43km kayak race? Half a dozen ultra-enthusiastic paddlers from Lane Cove and Manly Warringah clubs have just done that, and loved every moment of it. Well, perhaps not all of the driving. You can read about their adventure in the June 2012 issue of Kayak Kapers.
Also in this issue:
- Tom Simmat writes about a mysterious trip abroad, but security has blacked out part of his story.
- Paul van Koesveld, temporarily living near Albury, is impressed by the Mitta Mitta Canoe Club's spacious facilities.
- Harbour racing has had some smashing races, and it's the paddlers who have been smashed.
You can download June or earlier issues of Kayak Kapers free to your own computer.
27-07-2012 LCRK Annual General Meeting
Wade Rowston, a pioneer of club kayaking on Lane Cove River, is the new LCRK President, elected at the annual general meeting on July 27. He and his father, Don, were among the group of paddlers who in January 1990 began the first of the Wednesday night time trials. They were members of Lane Cove Valley Canoe Club, the predecessor to Lane Cove River Kayakers. Instead of just meeting on the river after work on any afternoon of the week, they and their mates decided on regular Wednesday timed runs and competed for the Crudslime Cup, recently reintroduced to the LCRK calendar.
For over two decades Wade has been a staunch and active club member and a regular participant in all activities. Recently he has taken over collating Wednesday night results and sending out interesting and humorous email summaries to members, and also writing a regular Wednesday Night reports in Kayak Kapers.
Elected to the new club Committee were Tom Holloway as Vice-President, Paul van Koesveld as Secretary, Nigel as Treasurer, and Jon Harris, Derek Simmonds, Liz Winn, Phil Geddes and Matt Swann as Committee members.
Guests at the annual dinner which followed were treated to an entertaining talk from Sean Smith, better known as the Fat Paddler. Sean related how he had over come serious injuries from a car crash and weight problems to become an active outdoorsman with a penchant for paddling and encouraging others to get more out of their lives. In the past three years he and his team of followers have raised $60,000 for charities, and open water paddling has taken him to places as far afield as Alaska and Mauritius. Read the full story in Kayak Kapers.