Lane Cove River Kayakers is a racing and fitness paddling club based at Rotary Athletics Field, Lane Cove North, Sydney. We meet every Wednesday evening throughout the year setting out from 6.25pm for a 12km, 9km or 6km time trial on tranquil Lane Cove River.

We have a strong membership base (over 130) with a broad range of ages and a reputation of being a relaxed and friendly club. While competitive on the water we are at all times very supportive of one another.
LCRK has established itself as one of the most active marathon paddling clubs in NSW with high levels of participation in events such as the:
- Paddle NSW Marathon Series
- Myall Classic hosted by LCRK in 2025 for now the 3rd year
- Hawkesbury Canoe Classic. LCRK consistently fields one of the strongest teams at the HCC.
- Riverland Paddling Marathon (SA)
- Murray Marathon
Amongst its many achievements the club is a regular winner of the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic’s Commonwealth Bank Cup, with members holding several class records.
Members also participate in harbour racing and sprint events and internationally in endurance races such as the Yukon River Quest (Canada) and in associated sports like multi-sport and adventure racing.