Boat Hire, Club Boats and Equipment

Boat Hire Bookings (available to LCRK Club Members Only)

LCRK currently owns a number of boats and other items for the use of Members. All boats require a minimum level of proficiency and are invariably faster/less stable than those at commercial kayak hire facilities. You need to be familiar with the LCRK Boat Hire Policy and the conditions under which a boat is made available to you.
Download the LCRK Boat Hire Policy (456K PDF)
View Boat Hire Bookings Sheet

Prices are as follows from 14 April 2016:

LocationUseExampleHire Period#Price##
On-SiteLCRK supported activityWed Time Trial, Training Squad1 Day$10
On-SitePersonal use 1 Day$20
On-SitePersonal use 7 days$40
Off-SiteLCRK supported activityRepresenting LCRK at event7 days$20
Off-SitePersonal use 7 days$50

# Prices shows are for indicated hire period or part thereof
## Doubles are 'per person'

The pricing structure reflects the cost of maintaining/refreshing the Club fleet. Note that any special requests will be considered on merit.

For booking club boats contact the LCRK Committee via: committee(AT)


* Please take CARE of the boat - they have an aversion to anything harder than water (eg rocks, oysters)

  • Do not at any stage place boat on hard surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, gravel, pontoon or worn grass
  • Use fold out chairs provided in the Shed for setting up boat
  • The boat is to be washed and dried before returning to the shed - same rack, same fore/aft orientation
  • Please report any damage/maintenance issues (use the email above)

Club Boats and Equipment

Items available for the use of Members are listed below.

K1's (listed from tippiest to stableist)

BoatTypeBrand/Model (+link to details)Stability 1-1012km TimeSteeringColourComment
#K1Grafton Paddlesports Bettong2.3TillerWhiteIntermediate K1
#14K1Quantum /Tornado467-72TillerRed/Blue/WhiteIntermediate K1. a nice transition boat into K1's
#K1Vajda Civet Cat (Darth)5.5TillerDeathstar BlackStable starter K1. Donated P.Janecek
#K1Vajda Voyageur6TillerWhiteStable starter K1
#8K1Nelo Viper 60872-80TillerGreen/YellowExtremely wide/stable K1 with tiller and K1 seating. Suitable for beginner

Kayaks and Skis (listed from tippiest to stableist)

BoatTypeBrand/Model (+link to details)Stability 1-1012km TimeSteeringColourComment
#11UN1Sladecraft Sonic365-67PedalBlack/WhiteFast kayak for fairly advanced paddlers
#6REC1Kayakpro /Marlin868-77PedalWhiteStable with some speed potential

Doubles, Triples, Quads (listed from tippiest to stableist)

BoatTypeBrand/Model (+link to details)Stability 1-1012km TimeSteeringColourComment
#13SSK2Carbonology double355-62PedalWhite/WhiteDonated by Craig Ellis. Fast
#SSK2Epic V10 double4PedalWhiteFast ski
#K2Knysna Racing??CarbonIntermediate K2. Up to 230KG
#K2Elio Cobra6TillerBlueIntermediate/Stable K2
#K2Vajda Civet Cat7TillerMustard & BlackStable starter K2
#LRec2Elliott Vulcan861-67PedalPurple/WhiteFast double. Suitable for intermediate paddlers. Front Steering. Good HCC Boat
#K4Competition Kayaks450-64TillerWhiteLots of fun - have a go!

Accessories (listed from tippiest to stableist)

BoatTypeBrand/Model (+link to details)Stability 1-1012km TimeSteeringColourComment
#TrailerHyspear106-12WheelWhite/BlueTrailer suitable for several boats including K4s
#Paddling ErgErg1050-80NilWhiteStable with some speed potential

If you would like to use any of these then please email committee(AT)